
Monday, February 18, 2019

Virtual Reality :: essays research papers

Virtual RealityVirtual globe as of recent, bandage still extremely new, has become thetopic of some opposing viewpoints. It has caught the look of the general publicfor several reasons. Perhaps, this is chiefly because of all the possibilitieswhich realistic reality creates. Note that the possibilities are not pre-determined as either save or bad, mainly because there are mankindy differentopinions to the emerging of this developing technology. However, despite thecontroversy this new technology has aroused, society should not remain skeptical.Virtual reality has the potential, if used correctly, to become a greattechnological advancement that forget aid society in many ways.In the past, virtual(prenominal) reality has been nothing more than a teeny-weeny step beyondvideo games. However, it is now apparent that this technology fundament be used formore practical purposes. These purposes include national defense, surgicalprocedures and various other applications. Society has not fully acknowledgedthe benefits of virtual reality as of yet because it is still under development.The reason for virtual reality remaining in its development for so long ismainly due to its complexity. The hardware that has developed so far is unableto process the large calculations required by a virtual reality ground machine.However, as apparent in recent years, technology is advancing at an extreme rate.This is another reason why societys hopes for virtual reality should and commit gotremained unwaivered.In Orensteins story, she gives the perspective of the average citizen whois obviously uncertain about the uses and/or affects that virtual reality willhave upon society. The show she attended was vigorous to point out thepracticality of virtual reality however, it still left such(prenominal) to be desired. Itseems that Orenstein was disgruntled when she came to an exhibit and the topicof cyber-sex was raised. Perhaps it wasnt just that it came up but more likehow i t came up. The idea of a man and womanhood being in a virtual world and a manfondling the womans breasts was probably, although very much possible, not agreat first-class honours degree impression. It gave Orenstein the opportunity to explore the evilsthat virtual reality makes possible.After a while, Orenstein realizes that just like the computing age hashackers, the virtual age will have its own high-tech delinquents.You cant prevent technology from being abused. There will be those whouse VR rudely, stupidly, dangerously--just as they do the telephone orcomputer. the like the telephone and the modem, its popular rise will alsoeliminate the pick out for certain fundamental kinds of human contact, evenas it enhances our ability to communicate. (Orenstein 258)

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