
Friday, February 15, 2019

Christianity and its Reception in Japan Essay -- Jesuit Missionaries,

During the fifthteenth century the Western religion of Christianity began to deal across the world through the influence of European powers such as Portugal and Spain. In 1549 the tiny island nation of lacquer was first exposed to Christianity in the form of Jesuit missionaries, which included the affluent Saint Francis Xavier of Spain. Japan, up to this time, had everlastingly been an isolated country and this was applied towards its traditional cultural values as well, shunning outsider influences without a second thought. Through Xaviers efforts however, Christianity was able to realize a solid foundation in spite of its foreign nature. From its psyche of arrival in 1549 Christianity enjoyed a peaceful and gradual growth, until 1597, when Japans then de situationo host leader, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, ordered the crucifixion of some twenty-six Christians in an outburst of evoke (Spae 5). From here on the Nipponese government began a series of persecution against Christianity a nd its followers within Japan, ultimately cultivating into a bloody rebellion, and near massacre, in the Shimabara providence in 1639, and the eventual banning of all things Christian alongside a re-isolation of the country. This raises the question Why was the religion of Christianity met with such resentment by the Japanese government? To answer the question, one must understand the circumstance and register of foreign tolerance in Japan, while also being advised of the semipolitical situation within the country at the time. From learning and analyzing these factors of hunting lodge and politics, it can be realized that Christianity was utilized as a political scapegoat by the Shogunate Military government for superordinate means. Furthermore by analyzing this claim, an explana... ...d citizens. The attack of Christianity was chosen due to its foreign nature, as well the fact that it was minor nuisance, posed no actual political threat, and could easily be manipulated into a terrible monster. Once the Bakafu created this image of the evil Christians, and dispelled of it, the Japanese citizens were tricked into a fervent trust and admiration of their rulers. The events which transpired during this period of time help to excuse why later Japan would become such a ultra-nationalistic country. The soldiers administration of Japan was able to draw such focus and team spirit from its citizens due to an excellent manipulation towards view of foreign ideas. And from this initial embedding of anti-foreignness and screen door belief in the government, would come the birth of the infamous modern-era patriotic and ultra-militaristic Japan of the twentieth century.

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